Malaiyo: The Delight of Varanasi

Malaiyo is something which can make your trip incomplete if you haven’t tried it already. A dessert prepared with a touch of nature with a lot of patience using sugar and milk. I will be talking about how is it made and where you can find the best version of Malaiyo in Varanasi.

Hello readers! Today I am going to talk about something rooted very deeply in the taste of Varanasi. A dessert; is more than just a dish and like a delicacy.

Malaiyo: a delicacy of varanasi

What is Malaiyo?

Malaiyo is a sweet dessert mainly served in Varanasi few other parts of Uttar Pradesh. It is a very delicious sweet which is prepared after lots of effort and time. The “DEW” Osa plays a very significant role in its preparation. The people of Varanasi as well as the tourists enjoy this delicious dessert very much.

How is Malaiyo prepared?

Malaiyo is such a delicacy which not only keeps your body warm but it also tastes heavenly. Also known as Makkhan Malai, Malai Makkhan and Nimish; it takes 8 hours of continuous effort and hard work to make this sweet delicacy.

First, the milk is boiled and then cream is added and boiled again and then kept under the open sky for 4-5 straight hours. Finally, the milk is churned in the morning for 3 hours and powdered sugar, turmeric powder, cardamom powder and Kesar is added to give the final touch of fine fragrance and flavour.

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Wake up Early

If you want to try this delicacy then you have to visit the shop between 10 to 11 am. You won’t be able to get it after that. Then you will get it the next day till 10-11 am only. The reason is that it takes the whole night to prepare it. Also, Malaiyo is very foamy and fizzy in nature so it will melt if the temperature will rise more than the room temperature. Hence if you are in Varanasi, visit the Ghats in the morning and then try this out and it will make your day.

It keeps you healthy!

While visiting Varanasi and some other parts of Uttar Pradesh (specially Lucknow and Kanpur) in this cold and chilly weather; you must choose the right food to keep yourself warm and safe during your trip. However, as a good amount of sugar is used in it so be cautious.

Don’t forget to keep yourself warm with this delicious health potion during this chilly weather. Have a happy winter!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Shantanu

    Very useful information.. keep it up!

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Malaiyo/Malaiyyo/Mallaiyo is the best top 10 best foods to eat in Varanasi