Hostel vs. Hotel: Which one is better for you?

Nowadays, Hostels are also becoming popular among travellers for accommodation. Hostels are no longer just a place for students to stay and study. Hence the comparison of Hostel vs. Hotel is obvious. Let us understand the difference between a Hostel and a Hotel.

What is the difference between Hostel and Hotel?

Hostels are different from Hotels primarily in the structure from inside out. Where Hotels are traditional buildings with less experimentation, Hostels are on top of it. Hotels have normal rooms, single beds, double beds or more. So the beds will be on the floor only not one above another as in Hostels.

There won’t be a cafe in Hotels, even if there is it will either be the dining area or the Restaurant itself. Hotels are mostly simple in architecture, and design and are the least decorated.

What does a tourist need on a trip?

Hostel vs Hotel: does hotel has more privacy than hostels?

Let us talk about the features that we need as a tourist while travelling.

  • Rooms to stay
  • Safety
  • Security
  • Hygiene
  • Privacy
  • Comfortable beds
  • Easy check-ins
  • Budget-friendly rooms
  • Good quality foods
  • Accommodation at good locations
  • Friendly host
  • Good quality service
  • Easily accessible
  • Cleanliness
  • Common area
  • Couple-friendly accommodation (for couples)
  • Ok with Kids(if travelling with kids)
  • pets are allowed(if travelling with pets)
  • Comfortable for elders(if travelling with parents or grandparents)
  • Other promised facilities
  • Easy cancellation
  • Late check-ins allowed
Hostel vs Hotel: Why hostel is being popular these days.

Differences between the features and facilities offered by Hostels and Hotels


  • Rooms to stay✔
  • Security✔
  • Safety✔
  • Hygiene✔
  • Privacy✔ – only when you are not sharing your room with anyone else
  • Comfortable Beds✔
  • Easy check ins✔
  • Budget-friendly rooms
  • Good quality foods✔
  • Accommodation at great locations
  • Friendly host✔
  • Good quality service✔
  • Easily accessible✔
  • Cleanliness✔
  • Common area✔
  • Couple friendly
  • OK with Kids✔ But the environment at Hostels may not be good for Kids always
  • Pets allowed – mostly yes
  • Comfortable for elders✔ Hostels do not have any issue with that until the elders are okay to adjust to the environment. Also, the beds are one above the other, which might be difficult for elders to climb.
  • Easy cancellation – Mostly yes
  • Late check ins✔


  • Rooms to stay✔
  • Safety✔
  • Security✔
  • Hygiene✔
  • Privacy✔
  • Comfortable beds✔
  • Easy check ins✔ (but less if compared to Hostels)
  • Budget-friendly rooms: Not if compared to Hostels
  • Good quality foods: Generally Hotels do not have kitchens and chances are low for getting good quality foods
  • Accommodation at good locations: Generally Hotels are in the city centre, so if you are looking for a place to stay close to nature, then Hotels may not be the right choice
  • Friendly host✔ But are less if compared to hostels
  • Good quality service✔
  • Easily accessible✔
  • Cleanliness✔
  • Common area: Not in general
  • Couple-friendly accommodation (for couples): Not in general
  • Ok with Kids(if travelling with kids)✔
  • pets are allowed(if travelling with pets): Not in general
  • Comfortable for elders(if travelling with parents or grandparents)✔
  • Easy cancellation✔
  • Late check-ins allowed✔

Hostel vs. Hotel: Which is better?

Well, it depends. On what? On the following points.

The hostel is better than the Hotel:-

  • If you are above 18 and under 40 by age
  • If you are solo or in a group of 2 to 10
  • If you are a couple
  • If you wish to eat food at the residence
  • If you wish to stay in a good location
  • If you are okay with the environment
  • If you want budget-friendly accommodation
  • If you just want to rest at the accommodation and your main purpose to travel
  • If you are okay with room sharing(sometimes it may happen) when you book a dorm more of the people you are travelling with
  • If you are comfortable with Dorms
  • If are not travelling with kids
  • If you are travelling with pets

You can read more about Hostels on Wikipedia.

A hotel is better than a Hostel:-

  • If you are travelling with a group of more than 10
  • If you want privacy and don’t want to share rooms with anyone
  • For elderly people who have difficulty in climbing to the upper bed in a dorm.
  • If you are travelling with Kids

You can read more about Hotels on Wikipedia.

There can be more debate on this topic; Hostel vs. Hotel but in the end what matters is your preference and how maintained the property is. Also, make sure to confirm all the promises declared on the booking platform directly by the property.

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Viswajeet Kumar

Working professional, website designer and Blogger

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