Bhangarh fort: Most haunted place in India?

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  • Post last modified:May 5, 2023

Everyone must have heard about the Bhangarh fort (which is considered to be the most haunted place in India). But do you know that Bhangarh fort is not only a fortress but a whole town?

⚠️: This article contains some elements that may be disturbing for the faint-hearted, read at your own risk.

Bhangarh Fort or a town?

Yes, the Bhangarh complex consists of a small town and the fort is situated at the end of the complex making it a more eerie and mysterious place.

The complex houses many temples, the princess quarters, the King’s quarter, the servant’s quarter etc. The complex has shrubs and bushes and is surrounded by dense forests which makes it a place for wild animals to roam about at night.

Want to know the blood-curdling stories and experiences surrounding the complex? Then read the article until the end.

Where is Bhangarh Fort?

Located in the Alwar district of Rajasthan, this fort has many legends and ghost stories associated with it which makes it one of the most haunted places in India. It was built by King Bhagwant Das in the year 1573.

Bhangarh fort is one of the most haunted places in India

The legend behind Bhangarh fort:-

According to a legend, there was a saint named Guru Balu Nath who lived in the nearby area. On the King’s request, he allowed the construction of the fort. But, on a condition that no house or building was to be built whose shadow would touch him. If it did then doom was to befall the area.

However, the fort was renovated and a few pillars were added later. Those pillars cast a shadow on the saint’s land resulting in doom and destruction of the land.

Another popular Legend:-

Another popular legend suggests that there was a black magic practitioner who was in love with the princess. When his proposal was rejected by the princess, he sent a love potion instead of an attar (perfume) to trap her.

The princess refused to open the bottle and threw it on a rock which rolled towards him and crushed him to death. Before dying he cursed the princess and the whole land of Bhangarh.

Ghost sightings and other paranormal activities at Bhangarh fort:-

  1. There have been many paranormal experiences by visitors and it also has a warning board outside its premises by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) which forbids anyone from staying inside the premised after sunset.
  2. As per the local legend, anyone who enters the premises after sunset never returns.
  3. All the houses in the premises are strangely roofless and whenever it was tried to put on a roof above it, it would collapse.
  4. Tourists often feel restless and anxious when they are roaming about the premises.
  5. Many people feel as if they are being followed around but see no one and many have claimed to see a shadowy figure.

Also see:-

Local’s story about Bhangarh fort:

Locals narrate a story of three friends who spent a night inside the premises with all sources of lights. Everything was going well when one of them fell into a well but was rescued by his friends. Scared by this incident, they all went out and were on their way to the hospital where they met an accident and tragically died.

Let us know in the comments if you have heard any stories about the Bhangarh Fort. You may also share your personal stories or experiences that you might want to share.

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