You won’t remained untouched from this food if you are in any parts of South India. But let’s talk about Hyderabad here only. You will find it at almost every food corner of the city. The range this dish has is huge and is available in both low and high range. Yes you heard it right, at some places it is quite expensive but I would say valuable.

Dosa making

Well I don’t think I need to tell what Dosa is but, just for those who are unknown to it, Dosa is a Pancake like thing, made from fermented batter of Rice and Urad Dal. It is generally served with Sambhar and chutney/’s.

Viswajeet Kumar

Working professional, website designer and Blogger

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Jay

    Any recommended places to taste it?

    1. Viswajeet Kumar

      Yes, I have tried it at a restaurant named as Chutney at Inorbit Mall in Hyderabad. It was definitely awesome. You might like that too.

      Thanks and Regards,
      Travelling Legend

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