How Backpackers are different from Tourists?

The way of travelling makes a Backpacker different from a normal tourist. Where a Backpacker creates a plan in the morning, a tourist has made it even before starting the trip.

What is a Backpacker?

A backpacker is a kind of traveler who saves money, compromise with his/her comfort and focuses on travelling only. A backpacker is mainly interested in knowing things not superficially but in a deeper way.

Difference between backpacker and a tourist can be spotted easily. A backpacker carries a rucksack with him/her.

A tourist is different:

A normal tourist goes with the plan he/she has for the trip and takes care of his/her comfort throughout the trip and visits a destination, enjoys it, takes pictures and moves on.

5 major differences between a Backpacker and a Tourist:-

Backpackers do not have a plan

Backpackers are different from tourists in many ways and one of them is that a backpacker don't really have a plan
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A backpacker does not plan for his/her trip like a tourist. Backpackers can change their plan just in a moment and they go with it. A backpacker waits for a sign which makes them decide to go with the moment.

Backpackers are not spendthrifts

Backpackers and different from tourists as they are not spendthrifts
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A backpacker never spends money on their comfort and luxury. They always focus on exploring the place they are in. Unlike a tourist, Backpackers spend most of their time travelling and trying to understand the culture, traditions, and the atmosphere of the destination. They go beyond enjoying it and clicking photos at the site.

Backpackers leave their comfort aside

Backpackers are different from tourists as they leave their comfort aside.
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Travelling is more important than completing sleep for a backpacker. They can sleep in trains and start their trip just by arriving at the destination.

What a tourist expects, backpackers have it

Backpackers carry every little thing in their rucksack and that's how backpackers are different from tourists
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Backpackers carry every little thing they will need in their rucksack. A tourist may carry many bags and trolley a backpacker only has a rucksack. And believe me backpackers keep everything they need for the trip. The thing is, a tourist takes care of their style and fashion even while travelling but a backpacker focuses only on travelling.

A backpacker goes beyond travelling

Backpackers go beyond travelling and that's how they are different from a tourist
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The core idea which makes a backpacker different from a tourist is the reason for travelling. A tourist travels for pleasure, spend holidays whereas a backpacker tries to understand the culture and tradituons of the place. Backpackers are always curious about knowing even the little things about the place they visit.


The concept of Backpackers and Tourists are a point of discussion among people these days. The difference between a backpacker and a tourist is the motive for travelling. A backpacker travels because he/she is curious about something and a tourist goes on a trip because he/she has to spend the holiday or leisure time. If you want to lean more about the term you may check Wikipedia for that.

Viswajeet Kumar

Working professional, website designer and Blogger

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