Kuldhara: The ghost village of Rajasthan

Kuldhara is a village located a few kilometers away from the Jaisalmer district of Rajasthan. The village Kuldhara had 85 smaller villages under it’s constituency. The village was mainly occupied by the Paliwal community of Brahmins nearly 300 years ago.

Kuldhara: The ghost village of Rajasthan

Once a beautiful village now an abandoned site, how?

Once a beautiful and prosperous village housing over a thousand residents and more than 85 villages suddenly turned into an abandoned ghost village overnight.

Do you want to know the full story about what happened there? Then read until the end.

The story of Kuldhara

The cause is very much debated until this day and no one exactly knows why people left. There are various reasons stated such as the village was hit by an earthquake or there were problems of water logging or the government levied high taxes on the residents but none of this can be proved.

According to history, the Paliwal Brahmins were quite rich and affluent. Being in a desert area, it is quite natural to leave to another place for a better quality of life; but the people of the whole village leaving without a single trace within a single night is quite astonishing and unbelievable.

Legend behind the ghost village of Kuldhara

According to locals, there was this Minister of state, Salim Singh, who was a notorious person. He fell in love with the village chief’s daughter and expressed his desire to marry her. When his proposal was rejected he started threatening the villagers but they did not surrender to his rubbish desires.

Is the land cursed?

The villagers from 85 villages held a meeting and decided to leave. They all abandoned their land and homes and left overnight without leaving a single trace behind. It is said that the Paliwals put a curse on this land that no one will ever be able to reoccupy this place.

No one till date has ever been able to spend the night over there. It is strictly prohibited to enter this village after 6 p.m. The site is protected by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI). The Hindi movie “Kaalo” 2010 was based on Kuldhara.

Paranormal activities at Kuldhara

  • People often get an eerie feeling as soon as they enter this place.
  • People feel short of breath and uncomfortable as if being watched by someone.
  • Many visitors have claimed to have seen an apparition and shadows.
  • People hear strange voices which seems like people talking, chatting, laughing and crying.
  • Many brave hearts who have tried to spend a night there, have been chased away by other worldly entities.
  • Many paranormal experts have investigated there at night and have claimed to find solid evidence of paranormal activities adding to the mystery of the place.
  • People who have tried to travel there at night have often experienced flat tires and vehicle break downs in the middle of the night and no cellphone network is available there which causes people to panic.

Love a tragic and mysterious story mixed with a tinge of horror which sends a shiver down into your spines? Then add this place to your trip list and get a chance to experience it yourself.

Viswajeet Kumar

Working professional, website designer and Blogger

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