6 Signs that you are a backpacker

Backpacking is the modern way of travelling. It is considered one of the best ways to travel the world with less amenities with an aim of exploration. Here are 6 signs that shows that you are a backpacker.

Who is a backpacker?

A backpacker is a person who travels across the world with the least facilities and carries mostly only one bag. The bag contains all the essential things which is needed for the trip but nothing more. Backpackers generally do not prioritize fashion over exploration.

6 signs that you are a backpacker
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Do you want to be one?

If you are thinking about backpacking since a while and you’re not sure if you are a backpacker or not; then here are 6 signs that will tell you that whether or not you are a backpacker. Perhaps you already are one, let us find that out.

6 signs that you are a backpacker:

1. Focus on travelling

Backpackers sign is that they focus on travelling over anything else

If you focus on travelling more than your comfort and you are ready to adjust and compromise even with your sleeping hours for it then you are a backpacker. Backpackers generally focus on their trip and believe that they can rest once the trip ends. If you feel the same way it is a sign that you are a backpacker.

2. Money Saving

6 major signs that you are a backpacker and not a tourist

Backpackers try to save money and spend it to enhance the experience of the trip. Not by spending it on luxuries or leisure but on trying new things, visiting new places, walking few more steps than others. If you do the same then it is another sign that you are a backpacker.

3. Go with the moment

6 signs that you are a backpacker

If you do not plan for the whole trip and go with the moment. Even with a plan you look for signs which asks for something new, you go for it. If yes, then you seem to be a backpacker already.

4. Carry what is needed

A backpacker carries what is needed and that is one of the 6 signs that you are a backpacker

If you pack everything you need for the trip in a bag but do not overdo it. You only carry what is required for the trip and leave everything aside. You try to keep your luggage as less as possible so that you can keep moving all the time.

5. Keeps moving

Backpackers keep moving

A backpacker is someone who keeps moving. If you cannot stay at your residence on your trip and try to explore every possible destination you can then it is a sign that you are a backpacker.

6. Go deeper

Here are 6 signs that shows you are a backpacker

Backpackers not only enjoy taking pictures but they always go beyond what is superficial. They talk to the locals, understand their culture from them, try local foods and all. If you do so, then yes, you are a backpacker!


Backpacking is the new way of travelling which is budget friendly, not just for leisure but for self enhancement. It has opened new doors in the field of tourism which is good for guest as well as the host. These 6 signs show whether you are a backpacker or not.

Viswajeet Kumar

Working professional, website designer and Blogger

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Deepak kumar

    Nice ……

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