A genuine travel blog based on my own travel experiences.

Well, though I will be writing everything about how to Travel on the Travel page itself that is not enough for a trip. There are some universal rules that need to be taken care of while travelling and some are related to a place in particular.

What is this Travel Blog all about?​

For example, at some destinations, you can just hire a cab and explore the whole place but on the other hand, there are attraction sites where either there are no cabs at all or they are too costly and there is a better way of transportation that most people not aware of.

However, you might think that you will get to know all of this once you are at the destination. But the problem is we get a chance once or twice a year for a trip and when we are on it, we won’t want to waste our time just getting to know these things. Instead, we have to utilize each moment with fun.

There are enormous other reasons why I started this travel blog and you will pretty much enjoy reading this and save your time, money and efforts in return I can promise you.

Hi, My name is Viswajeet​

I started this as fun but now I am feeling something called passion inside me for this. After completing my graduation, I started doing a desk Job but now, I am here with you as a passionate Travel Blogger.

Can I travel to Darjeeling now?

You can visit Darjeeling even in winter. However here is something that you must keep in mind.

Can I travel to Darjeeling now - Blog

Can I go to Manali now?

You can go to Manali even in Winter and it is no less fun to explore this beautiful city.

Yes you can visit Manali now and the roads of the city are not blocked by the snow - Blog

What is backpacking?

Backpacking is simply a way of travelling where a person only carries a backpack with all the essentials in it that are needed for the trip.

Yes you can visit Manali now and the roads of the city are not blocked by the snow - Blog

Should I take a bus from Siliguri to Darjeeling?

If you are looking for a one-word answer then I would say no, here is why.

Backpacking Blog articles

6 Signs that you are a backpacker

Backpacking is the modern way of travelling. It is considered one of the best ways to travel the world with fewer amenities with an aim of exploration.

Yes you can visit Manali now and the roads of the city are not blocked by the snow - Blog

How Backpackers are different from Tourists?

Where a Backpacker creates a plan in the morning, a tourist has made it even before starting the trip.

Yes it is safe to visit Manali now and you can visit Manali now