What is backpacking?

Backpacking is simply the way of travelling where a person only carries a backpack with all the essentials in it that is needed for the trip. Though it has many more aspects attached to it but it is mainly about carrying a backpack and roaming around.

Bagpacking means travel carrying just a backpack

A backpacker has the option to spend comparatively more time experiencing the surroundings because of many reasons that we have discussed below.

Travelling has always been a part of human lives and has given directions to it as well. With time, the way humans have been travelling has changed very much and now there are many types of tourists around us. One of them are backpackers.

In fact, backpacking is a more sincere way of travelling which includes understanding of the destinations, seeing the world from different frames, living in different life conditions and much more. The prime reason of carrying only essentials in one’s backpack is to live in different circumstances easily.

Backpacking does not mean that one must travel alone but with least facilities and experiencing different dimensions of life. When a backpacker is on the trip, he or she must deal with any circumstances by their own when the place they are in is new and doing so, it creates immense possibilities in their daily life as well.

What is the purpose of backpacking?

The purpose of backpacking is not to make one suffer while being on the trip. Instead, to open new portals to perceive experiences and opportunities to make things right with less amenities. It builds confidence in yourself for tackling difficult situations, managing people, communication skills and so on.

Backpacking opens up many portals for you to explore the world in a new way

In a sentence, if I may say, backpacking is a way of making oneself better in every aspect of life, be it skills, narratives, thought process etc. I can guarantee about the difference that backpacking brings to a backpacker in a good way.

How safe is backpacking?

Travelling itself is an adventure, which forces you to take decisions quickly about major situations sometimes. Backpacking is somehow twice as adventures as compared to just travelling. So, yes, it is risky. But with risk always comes the possibilities and opportunities which can make you achieve wonders in your life.

But that does not mean that you should start backpacking as everybody is doing it. One must know their limits for example a kid should not go backpacking alone because it is the growing age. At this age, one needs to learn many basic things first.

So, it is always required to look at the limits and then decide whether one should be going backpacking or not.
Now, before you decide to go for it, first understand how does backpacking work?

How does backpacking work?

Best things about backpacking

I have been to many places in India as a backpacker and the first thing I have learnt is that I am on my own. There is no one else who is there for me in any situation.

For example, in a group tour or family tour there are people to take care of you. They are there to suggest you what to do, what not to do, where to go etc. But in backpacking specially, if you are alone, there is no one to guide you so you must always remind yourself about these kinds of things otherwise you may get in a problem.

What is the best thing about backpacking?

Do you know what is best about backpacking? You learn to look at things how they are not how you think it should be. Accepting things in the first place makes you more creative to make improvements in it.

The moment a backpacker reaches a destination, he/she no more remains a tourist but becomes a native of it in the first place by accepting the way, it is. Backpacking lets you understand the culture, traditions, mindsets and even taboos of the visited place. It helps a person to broaden one’s perspectives.

What do I need to know before I go backpacking?

There are certain things to know before you go backpacking. Backpacking is different from just travelling. When you travel after keeping all the essentials you add stuff what you like to keep with you e.g. the clothes that you might want to wear at the destinations and the things that you might want to do something more.

What do I need to know before I go backpacking?

While backpacking you must cut down a few stuff from your bag to keep it light. Instead of jeans, you can carry joggers/lowers, lightweight shoes and avoid things that is not required and may make your bag heavy.
You may have to walk a lot as that is also the beauty of backpacking in a way. Because trekking and camping are different aspects of backpacking.

What do I need for backpacking?

The first thing is the mindset that is needed to go on backpacking. Besides there are a sort of things that you should be carrying with you.

things that you need to pack for your backpacking trip

The first thing is the mindset that is needed to go on backpacking. Besides there are a sort of things that you should be carrying with you.

  • A backpack with Rain cover
  • Raincoat or Umbrella
  • First aid kit: You may leave the box and only keep the items to save space
  • Lightweight shoes. Boots if you are heading towards hilly areas
  • Knee cap: helps you to walk for long without hurting your knees
  • Extra pair of socks
  • Shorts and t- shirts for summer
  • Quick dry lowers/joggers instead of Jeans
  • Waterproof jackets
  • Winter caps in winters and cap or a hat for summer
  • Neck pillow
  • Sunglass and sunscreen
  • Sleeping Bag
  • Torch
  • Wet wipes, tissue paper
  • And some extra cash


Backpacking is a very adventurous way of travelling that creates immense possibilities for a backpacker to improve oneself. Though there are many things to keep in mind prior to going on it. But in the end, it is worth and it may change the way of thinking for some.

The purpose of backpacking is to broaden one’s perspective and experiencing different dimensions of life. The best part of it is that it breaks the gap between a guest and a host and the tourists and locals.

There are certain things to take a note of while preparing for a backpacking trip. It also requires a sort of things to pack for the trip that we have discussed above. Now you are all equipped with the information you need to go backpacking. So, it is time to pack your bags and go on.

Ask us questions if you have any left in your head. Drop it in the comments and I will answer you as soon as possible.

Viswajeet Kumar

Working professional, website designer and Blogger

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